Our Mindset  

We choose to focus on the What, whilst simultaneously placing emphasis on the How.

We recognise that your family and your assets are the most important things in the world to you. Concerns and issues about them are personal.   

Under Jane’s leadership which leans into extensive mediation experience, we actively engage with you, other parties and leading experts to understand your situation, your concerns and assist you to move forward.  Wherever possible we look for an early commercial solution to a personal situation. If as a last resort, a litigation pathway is required then we take required action.  

A word from Jane;

‘My experience helps me understand and be sensitive to the strong desire and conscious choice some parties make to avoid that litigious process.  Given my lived professional experience of litigation, I am also well aware of the strong business case or 'merits' of a negotiated outcome.’  READ MORE ABOUT JANE

"I have referred clients to Jane for many years.  In my experience Jane seeks a prompt commercial outcome to family law matters.  Jane treats our clients and their families with respect and compassion while maintaining a professional focus.  I recommend her unconditionally." 

Andrew Martin, Chartered Accountant, Director, Martin Taylor Associates Pty Ltd.