• Resolution of asset allocation, maintenance and child support requires thought and care. Whether your case involves documentation of an agreement you have reached, exploration & evaluation of your situation followed by negotiation or litigation, we can assist. We are experienced in dealing with complex matters including those involving trusts, companies and multiple assets; or simply matters that are complex because of the circumstances. Simple or complex, we work to identify your objectives and your pathway towards a solution.

  • Decisions about living arrangements, education, medical treatment, communication or religious upbringing of children post separation are some of the most important. They involve the most important people in a family - children. These decisions can have long term implications. A considered and informed approach, sometimes with input from experts such as psychologists, can assist and minimise the risk of future conflict.

  • Australians are a mobile population. Controversy about the postcode or country of residence of a child following separation is not uncommon. We assist clients contemplating or resisting a relocation, or with processes arising from the wrongful retention or removal of a child.

  • While the Child Support scheme in Australia provides a mechanism for the assessment and collection of child support, some families establish private arrangements. We are regularly involved in the negotiation and documentation of Child Support Agreements, child maintenance and adult child maintenance arrangements after separation. In addition, we regularly advise clients in relation to departures from the child support assessment, known as the Change of Assessment (COA) Application process.

  • Since 2000, future spouses can agree upon and document the financial arrangements if their marriage ends. Parties intending to live in a de facto relationship can also enter into similar agreements. These agreements, known as Financial Agreements, avoid the need for a court determination about the matters that are the subject of the agreement. The process surrounding and the drafting of the agreements should be undertaken carefully to ensure a Financial Agreement is enforceable.

  • De facto relationships are increasingly common, however the applicable legislative regime differs depending on where you lived and when you separated. For couples who separated before 1 March 2009, state legislation applied to the determination of arrangements and the Family Law Act (1975) applies to those that arose after that.

    The resolution of financial arrangements after the breakdown of these relationships can be more involved, due to the requirement to prove the existence of a relationship.

  • A resolution by consensus reached behind closed doors with the assistance of a mediator is a common approach by spouses who seek a dignified and private process. We assemble and work with experts to help you arrange a mediation. Most of our matters resolve by agreement at or before mediation.

  • The option of last resort. Litigation is a pathway for resolution or to address short term concerns.

  • As an accredited family law specialist with decades of experience dealing with financial and parenting cases, Jane understands the value of consensus resolutions. She is keenly aware of the ramifications of litigation pathways and works hard to assist parties to build their bespoke solution. Jane is available to act as mediator before or after the commencement of litigation.

"You can trust Jane with your children and property.  In my experience, Jane's approach to resolving family law matters ensures that the most difficult and overwhelming process is bearable. She deals with all matters with the highest level of professionalism and empathy.  Her knowledge of family law matters is second to none. Her communication and efficiency while dealing with our referred clients is integral. She ensures that people feel comfortable and supported from the initial meeting right through to the final outcome."

Jessica Cane, CPA ,Director - Accounting Solutions Victoria