We tailor the approach to each client, their needs & expectations. What worked for one, may not work for another - and we understand this.

We work collaboratively with leading experts in a range of fields including clinicians, psychologists & barristers to assist our clients to achieve their desired solution.

We can assist you before, during or after your relationship.  We work to understand your concerns, identify options to address them and work with you to resolve them. We can assist you in the ways listed here.

  • Forewarned is forearmed. Find out where you stand, how the law works and could apply to your circumstances.  If possible, take steps to get informed before you take action or decisions or respond to the actions and decisions of others.  

  • Negotiations are a commonplace method to resolve matters. Whether you require assistance to negotiate directly, or seek to engage us to do so on your behalf, we are experienced at helping to navigate what can be a tricky landscape. 

  • A resolution by consensus reached behind closed doors with the assistance of a mediator is a common approach by spouses who seek a dignified and private process. We assemble and work with experts to help you arrange a mediation. Most of our matters resolve by agreement at or before mediation.

  • The option of last resort. Litigation is a pathway for resolution or to address short term concerns.

"Thank you very much Jane. I have truly valued and appreciated your patience, kindness and advice over these last couple of years - without it I doubt that I would have had the courage to move forward as I have. I will be forever grateful our paths crossed." 

Client - Anonymous.